Chapter 20



Fall break was a whirlwind. Dawn and I helped Kelsey pack up all of Bradley's belongings into a box, and we sent it to him via UPS. She didn't want to see him and give him the opportunity to try to change her mind. We had saved up a little money and decided to go to Laguna Beach for a long weekend as an early twenty-third birthday celebration for me. Just us girls. We rented a convertible and drove the PCH the entire way. It was glorious. Four days on the beach, playing volleyball and drinking frozen cocktails. I came back with a closer bond to my roommates and some impressive tan lines.

I've received a ton of calls from Jake, which I let go to voicemail because I'm slightly embarrassed and a lot confused about the kiss.

Finally, I decide to stop avoiding him.


"Hey, pretty girl." His cautious voice comes across the line.