Chapter 27



When the boys return from their visit to SoHo, they have Tony, Stavros, and Lorenzo in tow. Tony comes through the door, takes one look at my face, and walks right back out. We can hear the explosion of expletives coming from the stoop and then a crash. Stav hurries out after him, and they come in a few seconds later and wrap Tony's hand in ice. Apparently, he punched the brick wall of the garage. Remorse. I feel deep remorse for causing this reaction from my brothers.

Tony notices my distress, and he comes and wraps me in his arms. "Do not be upset, cara. It doesn't hurt at all."

"Liar," I mumble into his shirt.

"It might hurt a bit later, but I deserve it for not protecting my baby sister."

I pull back and look up at him. "You have always protected me. This was out of your control. You can't be there every single second of my life, and even if you could, I would not let you."