Chapter 41


"Sis? What do you see? Talk to me."

I stand here, paralyzed, as I stare into Cross's eyes. What is he doing here? He's not supposed to be here.


Nicco's voice is getting louder, and I can hear the alarm in his question. I blink from my stare-down and look to my brother. His face is full of concern. I look back up to the spot where I saw him, and he is gone, vanished into thin air.

Was he really there?

"A ghost."

"A what?"

"Nothing. I just thought I saw a ghost."

Nicco reaches up, grabs me around the waist, and plucks me from the stage.

"A ghost? Who? Was it Calvacanti?"

I blanch at the name. I didn't even think of Dante showing up here at Dawn's graduation party. Now, I am filling with panic. The room is crowded, and the voices are too loud. I need an escape. I need air.

"Calm down, cara."

"I need air."