Chapter 57


After we all calm down from the excitement of the engagement announcement, the boys go to SaMo Pizzeria to pick up our dinner, and I sit the girls down and finally come clean about almost everything. Now that their lives are being turned upside down because of me, they deserve to know my story.

"So, your real name is Gabriella? That's beautiful, and it suits you." Kelsey rolls my name off her tongue just like my family.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'll be able to call you Gabriella now," Dawn adds.

"I don't want you guys to change anything."

"I guess Brie is kind of short for Gabriella as well. Oh, is that why you chose it?" Kelsey asks.

"Yes. I wanted to choose a new name that was easy for me to remember, so I didn't out myself, and I guess to keep me a little connected to my family. That's why I chose Masters as well. Me leaving was never really about them. I love them. I just had to go," I admit.