Chapter 60


I sit in my office and try to busy myself with paperwork. Nicco called last night to let me know the girls had made it safely to New York. It has taken everything I have not to get into my car and head to Manhattan. It's like my soul is humming because it knows she is here, and it wants to seek her out. I can feel her in my bones.

I pick up my glass and stare into it. I should probably not have any more. If I get drunk, then all bets are off, and I will probably end up at Gabriella's hotel door.

I leave the glass sitting, and I head up to my room. I change out of my suit and put on a pair of jeans and a tee. Then, I head out back to the garages. I take the stairs to the loft I used to call home. Everything is the same as it was the day I moved out. I make my way to the couch and turn on the television. Perhaps a baseball game can distract me for a few hours.