Chapter 68


Nicco, Gino, and Stefano are closing in on Dante. They think they have him cornered in an abandoned dock house in La Mirada, not far from the apartment building where he is staying. They know he is going to make a run for the place because all his money and identification is stashed there. No way he is leaving California without it unless he finds a way to contact Matteo and get help. Which they would no doubt intercept. I told them to go in slow and easy because Dante has a child, and we need that child unharmed.

Tony took Gabriella out to calm her down. I can't even look at her right now. I take a seat at my desk, and just as I am about to pick the phone back up to call or text Nicco and see if they are in yet, a faint knock comes at the door. It opens, and Una is standing there.

"It's not a good time, Una."

"I am sorry, Christoff, but I must speak with you, and it can't wait."

I set the phone down and gesture for her to come in.