System Yue

「 System Activated! 」

The female robotic voice rang in my head leaving me surprised, I even let out a small shriek.

Seriously, what is this? Isn't this too cliche like?

「 Hello Host! I'll be working with you from now on. 」

'Why're you speaking like that...?'

Out of all of the novels I've read, I've never heard of a system that talked like this...

「 Then do you want me to speak like this? HUH HOST? 」

'STOP SCREAMING! It hurts my brain.'

Jeez, just what type of system did I get?

「 That's what I thought host, now let's get to business. 」

'What business?'

「 What do you mean wHAT buSinESs? Give me a name, you're not going to keep calling me system right? 」

Well, I guess that's true. Though what type of name should a system get...I thought about it for quite a while.

「 Host! Hurry up! 」

'OKAY OKAY. Just call me Ena, host just sounds weird.'

「 Ena, hurry up and give me a name. 」

'Can't you be patient for a little bit? Your name will be Yue.'

「 Whatever and Yue like the moon? You love me that much already? Jeez Ena, you're making me blush! 」

'I don't like you at all, I just like the moon that's it.'

「 Yeah, right. Even if we are both girls, you can be the sun to my moon! 」

'Don't say such thing shameful things!'

Just how shameful was the system I got? I want a refund, refund!

「 Sorry Ena, there's no refund! 」

'Urk- Alright, let's get down to business. Is there anything you can do?'

「 Of course, there's a lot of things. Just don't ask me to be your wife. 」

'I would never-'

「 Say stats and a screen will fill appear in front of you. 」

I could only sigh, if having a system was like this, I would've never asked for one.


Then a bright blue screen with letters appeared in my vision.

「 Stat 」

『 System Name: Yue 』

『 Host Name: Ena von Quintus 』

『 Birthday: January 13th, 777 』

『 Age: 6 』

『 Sex: Female 』

『 Mana: 30/30 』

『 Magic: Locked 』

'I can use magic?'

「 Of course, it's just that you're far too weak to achieve it. 」

'How am I too weak?'

「 Do you really have to ask that? 」


I knew how weak I was, I didn't have any muscles, I barely did any training, I would just do nothing basically. I guess some habits of mine never change, plus I was only 6.

Wait a minute...

'Yue, aren't there supposed to be physical stats or missions to help you get strong?'

「 No? This isn't one of those unrealistic novels. You must get stronger by yourself. I can only provide this much for you and provide some knowledge for you. 」

'Aren't you kind of useless?'

「 Impudence! I'm one of the highest ranking systems, you should bow down to me! 」

'Yeah, that's not happening. How can I unlock my magic?'

「 If you train everyday for 2 years, you'll get it in 2 years. 」

'What if I train everyday for a year?'

「 You'll get it in 2 years. 」

'What if I train everyday for 3 years?'

「 You'll get it in 2 years. 」

'Isn't this a bit too much?'

「 Ena, I'm going to be honest with you. You should start training tomorrow, not everything you believe is everything. 」

I was caught off guard by the serious tone of Yue, more importantly...

'How do you know that quote?'

「 Of course I knew, I've been watching you the entire time. 」

'Then couldn't you just have helped me once I was reincarnated?'

「 Nope, that would be too much of a cheat. Remember, this isn't a novel. 」

'Yeah, I got it. But what does the violet stone do?'

「 The violet stone...? Oh that? It was just to help me make an entrance. 」


'Does it do anything?'

「 Nope, it's just a regular stone. 」

This system is really infuriating.

「 By the way, you should come back to your senses. Your sister is coming. 」

Listening to Yue, I collected my composure as Alice came through the door.

"Ena, it's time for dinner." said Alice.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said.

"Hmm? What's this purple stone?" said Alice picking up the stone.

She started looking at it as she moved it around in her hands.

"It's something I wanted to buy when I went out with Marie." I said.

"Oh? This is a pretty stone." said Alice.

"I kno-"

"Alice! Ena! Dinner is ready!" yelled my mom.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late." said Alice.

"Okay." I replied.

Leaving my room, we made our way towards the kitchen. However, what I didn't expect was that there was going to be a guest here. My parents and brother was already sitting at the table, my sister sat first and I sat after her. I looked at the man who had brown hair and brown eyes, he looks like someone of nobility.

"Alice, Alex, Ena, this is Alianor Azura, the duke of the Azura family." said my father.

"Prince, first princess, and second princess. It's an honor to meet you both, of course your highness and your majesty too." said Alianor politely.

"There's no need to be so polite, now introduce yourselves." said my father.

My older siblings introduced themselves as I stared at the duke in front of family, what's more was that he was the duke of the Azura family. What did he want with us? I have a bad feeling whenever I look at him.

"Ena, it's your turn." said my father.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I introduced myself plainly as I kept staring at him.

"Sorry about Ena, I think she's having a bad day." said my father.

"There's no need to apologize, I understand." said Alianor.

'Yue, who really is this man?'

「 Can't say, you must figure it out yourself. You're smart enough to do that, you just never try. 」

I couldn't argue with that, I was smart, I knew that. But what would be the fun in trying your hardest instead of having fun? I could never understand some people.

We ate in silence since it would be rude to talk about things with food in our mouths. One of the things I noticed about Alianor was that he was a bit slow in holding his utensils. With the right hand, we hold our knives, with our left, we use our forks with the tines facing down. He did the opposite, he only switched when he saw us do it.

Just who really is this person?

After we finished our dinner, there was a sudden change in the atmosphere.

"What did you want to talk about?" asked my father.

"Ah, right to business. I wanted to talk about your daughter, Alice von Quintus." said Alianor.

All of our attention was now focused on him.

"What about her?" asked my father.

"As you already know, she's already 9 and in 4 years she'll be a candidate for the throne." said Alianor.

"Get to the point." said my father sharply.

However, it wasn't my father I was worried about, it was my mother. She's been quiet the entire time and with my child instincts, I knew my mother would smack this man without a care in the world if he said anything abnormal.

"I want to arrange a marriage proposal between your daughter, Alice and the son of my close friend, Arthur Azura." said Alianor.

Courting death!

A marriage proposal between my amazing older sister and that son of a scumbag? This guy must be crazy!

Then an intense form of pressure filled the room, it got a bit hard to breath, I already knew who it was from.

Looking over, I saw my mom with a unnoticeable glint in her eyes.

That's when I knew shit was about to go down, I had my brain working on overdrive to capture every moment of Alianor getting beat up.

"Why're you talking about a marriage proposal to MY daughter like that?" said my mother in a calm voce.

"I-if the two strongest families get married, who would dare go against us?" asked Alianor.

Alright, he messed up now.

"You're saying you want to use my daughter just to make your family stronger? This marriage proposal only benefits your family, there were no benefits we would get." said my mother.

"Your-" Before Alianor could say anything else, my mother beat him to it.

"Why should we combine our families to become stronger when we already are the strongest?"

In my entire life, I've never seen someone flex so hard. And that flex came from my own mother too.

"Alianor, we have no ill feelings towards the Azura family, but when you speak about our children's marriage so casually, it hurts our pride and we aren't just going to sit back and watch this happen." said my father.

The pressure in the air probably could make an ox feel like it's an insect.

"Do you understand?" asked my mother.

"Y-yes your majesty." stuttered Alianor.

The pressure coming from my mother made Alianor's forehead drip with cold sweat, he's never felt this type of fear from anyone. That was when he realized why she was the queen, a person with absolute power.

"Now leave before you end up dead on my floor, I don't want my marbled floor to be stained with blood." said my mother.

With that being said, the pressure dissipated allowing him to get up, but he nearly fell before leaving. Hey...isn't he going to the wrong exit? He's going to end up falling...


A scream was heard outside, I knew what had happened. The place behind that door had nothing, I requested it because it would be fun if one of us actually fell through, but it never happened since they had wind magic.

I could only hope he had wind magic too, I don't want a dead body on our front yard...

"Sorry about that my children." said my mother.

"It's alright mother." said Alex.

"He deserved it." said Alice.

"I agree." I added.

"You 3 truly are my children." said my mother.

"Ahem...are we just going to ignore me?" asked my father.

We turned towards him and realized that he was covered in water, that was probably when my mother erupted from anger. The glass actually broke under her pressure. I had one thought in mind, to never anger mother

Ignoring our father, we all left the kitchen except for me and Alice since we had to clean the dishes today.

"Hey, do you think I'll get married someday?"


I was surprised by the sudden question, but I can understand why she would ask that.

After listening to what Alianor said, she would definitely have thoughts about marriage. Although she wasn't going to get married to Arthur, she could possibly become engaged to another person.

"I think..."