Handsome Robber


"Ewww! Mian!!!", Yang Zi exclaimed while wiping her face.

Lu Mian was shocked that she spitted her juice on Yang Zi's face while drinking.

"I'm sorry. Uwuuu~", Lu Mian said apologetically while helping her best friend in wiping her face.

"Repeat what you just said earlier. I think I have heard it wrong." Lu Mian said as she cleaned her ears.

Yang Zi rolled her eyes at her best friend's reaction. "I said I want to get married." She said, emphasizing the word 'married'.

Lu Mian was flabbergasted. Did the sun rise in the west today? Is this person really her best friend? Maybe a doppelganger? She looked at Yang Zi's face, examining her features to make sure it was really her.

"Xiao Zi, there is a new store at the corner. Do you like to eat peanut pie? I heard that it is very tasty." Lu Mian said.

Yang Zi was confused. "What are you talking about? Have you forgotten that I am allergic to peanuts? Do you want me to die?"

"I knew it! It's really you. I just can't process what you said earlier. I thought you were a doppelganger or what. I mean, Yang Zi, you don't have any experience in relationships and now you suddenly want to get married? Tell me, was your head hit by a donkey, eh?" Lu Mian said in a very serious tone.

Lu Mian really can't believe it. It was just yesterday that Yang Zi said she doesn't want to get married and now her mind suddenly changed.

Yang Zi sighed and said, "I am already 27 and you know that my parents are urging me to get married. I also think that it's not that bad to get married."

Yang Zi feels that she has already experienced enough of the life of being a normal citizen and it's time to settle down while working at their company. Who knows, maybe fate will be good for her.

Lu Mian smiled and held her best friend's hands. "I will support you no matter what decision you will make. Just make sure that the man you are going to marry is reliable and of course handsome, okay?"

Yang Zi laughed and nodded. "Silly. I don't need a handsome man. As long as he can protect me and remain loyal, then it's okay. Looks are useless if he is not a family-oriented person."

"Aish. You're so boring. Xiao Zi, you are beautiful so it is normal to look for someone that matches your looks okay? So that my future niece or nephew is good-looking." Lu Mian said as she supported her chin with her hand trying to imagine the cute faces of babies.

Yang Zi blushes and snaps at her best friend's wild thoughts.

"What are you talking about! Let's go. It's already late. Let's go home. I still need to pack my belongings and I will go to the company tomorrow to hand in my resignation. You too, you need to rest early." Yang Zi said as she grabbed her best friend out of the restaurant.

The duo arrived in front of the apartment and bid goodbye to each other.

"Stay safe on the road Mian." Yang Zi said as she hugged her best friend.

Lu Mian hugged her back and said, "I will. You too. Say hello to Aunt and Uncle for me. Bye."

Yang Zi waved her hand and went inside her apartment after Lu Mian left.

Upon entering her apartment, she groaned looking at the total mess. She had no choice but to tidy up her apartment.

After two hours of cleaning her whole apartment, she laid on the sofa feeling so exhausted.

"Ahh, so tiring! Maybe it was a good idea to come home so that I won't be dealing with trash anymore. Haha!" Yang Zi laughed at her silly behavior.

While resting, her phone suddenly rings. 'Ringgg~'

Yang Zi reached her phone and answered the call without opening her eyes. "Hello."

"Xiao Zi!" a familiar masculine voice was heard on the other line.

Yang Zi immediately sat straight and looked at the name on the screen 'Big Bro Feng'. It's her brother, Yang Feng calling.

She immediately answered, "Big Brother, why are you calling? You're still awake. It's already eleven."

"Silly. I should be the one asking you that question. Why are you still awake? Your shift was already over many hours ago. You should be resting by now, Princess." her Big Brother said.

"Oh come on brother, stop calling me that. I am already 27, remember? I'm not a kid anymore." Yang Zi whined.

"Okay, okay. Then I am going to call you Miss Little Yang," her brother answered.

"Ugh, you're so annoying!" Yang Zi said while secretly smiling. She misses the time when her brother teased her.

Her brother laughed and said, "I heard that you are coming home. Finally! I thought that you are not going back anymore."

"Yes, I will submit my resignation at the office tomorrow and afterwards I will head home directly." Yang Zi said as she headed to the bedroom.

"I see. I'll pick you up tomorrow then," her brother answered.

"Na, it's a fine big brother. I know that you are very busy at work. I will just take a cab or I will ask Lu Mian to drive me tomorrow," she said.

"Nothing is more important than you Xiao Zi. Well, if you change your mind, just give me a call okay?" her brother said.

"Okay brother. Goodnight." Yang Zi said then she ended the call.

Yang Zi prepared her things then went to bed to rest. She closed her eyes and drifted into the dreamland.


Yang Zi immediately opened her eyes at the sudden noise. She is a light sleeper that can immediately notice small commotions around her.

She slowly got up from her bed and picked up the baseball bat beside the bed. She always puts that near her bed in case some robbers enter her apartment.

Yang Zi tiptoed towards the living room and she noticed a shadow near the sofa. She gripped tightly on the baseball bat and slowly walked towards the shadow. When she was near, she immediately raised the bat, ready to hit then, 'Pang!'

"Aww, it hurts! Please stop it!", the man begged as he tried to shield his hands from Yang Zi's endless hits.

Yang Zi did not bother to listen and continued hitting the man. When she noticed that the man was not moving already, she threw away the baseball bat.

"Is he dead?" Yang Zi said as she turned on the lights and carefully kicked the man a little to see if he was dead or not. However, the body did not move. She panicked immediately. She picked up her phone and called her best friend.

"Hello?", Lu Mian's sleepy voice was heard from the other line.

"Mian, what should I do? I think I have killed someone." Yang Zi said in a panic.

"What? What are you talking about?" Lu Mian said in a very sleepy tone.

Yang Zi was about to say something when she heard the man say, "I'm not dead."

Yang Zi was so shocked that she shouted so loudly, "Ahhh!!! Ghost!!!"

The man's eyebrows meet not knowing why she thought that he is a ghost.

"Hello, Yang Zi? Are you okay? What happened?", Lu Mian said in a worried tone. Seems like she is completely awake now.

"You should answer the call first." the man said as he stared directly into her eyes.

Yang Zi does not know but she followed what he said like she was hypnotized.

"Mian, everything is fine. There was just a super big bug." Yang Zi said to her best friend.

"Ahh! I was dreaming so good yet you woke me up in the middle of the night because of a BUG?! Ughhh! I'm hanging up now!"The call ended immediately without waiting for Yang Zi to respond.

Yang Zi put down her phone and looked at the man warily. She observes the man's appearance and she notices that the man has a very good-looking face.

"I know that I am very handsome but can you please help me here? After all, you hit me so much. Luckily, I am still alive. ", the man said as he tried to get up.

Yang Zi was about to answer back when she noticed that there was some blood on his white shirt. 'Is he hurt? Did I hit him that much?', she thought.

The man seemed to read her mind and said, "I was wounded before I came in here. This blood has nothing to do with you. Someone was chasing me, maybe robbers or thugs."

Yang Zi sighed in relief. "Mister, based on your appearance, you don't seem like a robber? Tell me, are you a gangster? What are you doing here? Are you going to rob me?" Yang Zi asked.

The man was confused at her words then laughed lightly. "I don't quite understand how your mind works lady. If I don't look like a robber then why would I rob you?"

"Because gangsters are robbers too", Yang Zi said, making the man laugh lightly. She was mesmerized by his sexy yet manly voice. How did the heavens create such a good-looking face and sexy voice?

"Ehem, would you mind giving me a hand here?", the man said.

Yang Zi snapped her wild thoughts and said, "Fine but don't you dare do anything to me or else I am going to hit your head again."

"Okay", the man nodded in agreement.

Yang Zi grabbed the first aid kit then carefully approached the man and helped him sit on the sofa. She looked for the source of the world in his body and noticed that there was a slit on his arms. It seems like it was wounded by a sharp object like a knife. She carefully cleaned his wound and bandaged it.

"My name is Jin. Li Jin. I purposely cut my arms." Li Jin said..

Yang Zi was surprised but she did not ask why because it's none of her business. Besides, she just hit an innocent person. And speaking of an innocent person, is he really an innocent person?

"By the way Mr. Li, what are you doing inside of my house at this hour?", Yang Zi asked.

"What if I told you that I am here to kidnap Miss Yang?", Li Jin said in a very serious tone as he stared directly into her eyes.