Yang Zi's first day

The next day.

Yang Zi woke up early to prepare for her first day at the company. There are lots of things that she needs to be familiar with. After all, she was away from home for many years. She needs to train first, especially that their family's business is very important. They are the biggest jewelry company in the whole country. The Imperial Jewels is a 100-century old company that was passed down by the older generations of the Yang Family. Due to the hard work and devotion of the Yang Family, the Imperial Jewels became one the strongest jewelry company in the whole world.

After taking a bath, Yang Zi searched inside her wardrobe for any suitable attire. A few moments later, she decided to pick a white neat button-down shirt and a black blazer for her top outfit. She then paired it with a black knee-length skirt, highlighting her well-shaped bottom. After that, she tied her hair into a bun-shaped and applied light make-up. She looked at the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. She looks mature and professional.

Actually, Yang Zi is a woman that possesses great charms. She has fair, smooth skin and a pair of dark brown-colored eyes, making her so attractive, especially when someone would directly stare at her eyes. She has black wavy hair, which adds to her charming appearance. And because of her permanent care for her body, she has a great shape making her look extra sexy.

Yang Zi then wears her black stiletto and heads downstairs. Her family is already waiting for her in the dining area.

"Wow, is that really you Xiao Zi?" Yang Feng asked in surprise. Even their parents were more shocked. How could they not be? This is the first time in five years.

Madam Yang approached her daughter with a teary eye, "Darling, you have grown so much!

Yang Zi chuckled and said, "Why are you so emotional, Mom? I thought I am still your baby?"

"How can I call you baby right now. You look so mature and elegant." Madam Yang said.

"So, is it bad or good?" Yang Zi asked her mother.

"Of course it's good. I just can't believe it." Madam Yang sniffed.

Father Yang approached his wife and comforted her, "Stop acting like that. Today is Xia Zi's first day at the company. You should cheer up for her."

Madam Yang immediately stopped acting emotionally and said, "Right. I almost forgot about that. Xiao Zi, if you encounter problems at the company no matter how small or big, you should tell us sooner, okay Or directly call your brother so that he can help you."

"Come on, Mom. Xiao Zi will definitely do her best and she has me around. No one can bully her with me around her. So stop worrying and relax." Yang Feng comforted his mother and winked playfully at Yang Zi.

Yang Zi just smiled and also turned to her mother to comfort her, "Don't worry, Mom. Big brother is right. Plus, I won't let anyone bully me okay? For now, let's eat our breakfast. We are almost late for work."

Madam Yang nodded and the four of them started eating. Afterward, Yang Feng and Yang Zi bid goodbye to their parents.

"Careful on the road, Feng." Father Yang said as they led them to the car.

"Hmm, I will." Yang Feng answered.

"By the way, Mom. Please tell Grandfather to take good care of himself while fishing, okay?" Yang Zi said as she sat down on the passenger seat.

"I will. You too. Take care of yourself, okay?" Madam Yang said.

"We will be going now." Yang Feng said then immediately started the car.

On the way to the company, the duo was just talking casually about the company matter, making Yang Zi updated for the past years.

"When we arrive later, I will give you access to our company's international collaborations so that you will be aware. That one I gave to you is just a report from the deal that was not secured by our company recently." Yang Feng said seriously while focusing on the road.

Yang Zi nodded as she read the documents she obtained from her brother. "This is Silvertones. A big company in Italy. Why did we not secure the deal on this one? The proposal is good. In fact, they can gain more benefits. What happened?"

"After their company contacted us to postpone the collaboration, I heard from my networks that Crown Jewelry secured the deal." Yang Feng sneered.

Yang Zi thought for a second and said, "There must be some underhanded dealings between these two companies. After all, Crown Jewelry has been competing with our company for many years. They are our biggest rival in this industry.

Yang Feng chuckled and said, "It's good that you are still updated huh?"

"Of course. I am keeping an eye on you all the time from afar. Just in case you will do something bad." Yang Zi said with a smug.

"I know that you are just concerned about us. I told you, you should have come sooner. Hais, I can't believe you were able to resist for five years." Yang Feng said.

"What's in the past can not be back. All we have to do now is move forward and secure better collaborations than LSM" Yang Zi said with great determination.

The car entered basement 2, where the exclusive parking lot of the CEO is located.

"We're here. Are you ready?" Yang Feng asked his sister.

"Of course. Don't underestimate me. I am more capable than you can ever imagine." Yang Zi said while laughing. But it was a half-truth. Of course, she is nervous but needs to do it.

They immediately got out of the car and headed towards the elevator. Suddenly, Yang Feng's phone rang. Someone is calling him.

Yang Feng took out his phone and looked at Yang Zi, "I'll take this call. You go ahead first and wait for me inside my office."

Yang Zi nodded and stepped inside the elevator. The CEO's office was located on the top floor of the building.


The elevator stopped and Yang Zi immediately got off from it then walked towards the CEO's office.

However, before she could do so, someone stopped her.

"Excuse me, Miss. This is the CEO's office. Did you book an appointment with the CEO? I did not receive notification from the front desk." A short-haired woman said with a very stern voice.

Yang Zi looked at the woman and assumed that she was one of their company's secretaries. However, the secretary looked like she was attending a party. Her make-up is so thick and her skirt is so short.

"No, I did not book an appointment." Yang Zi said calmly.

"Then please head out, Miss. This is not a place where you can come as you please." The secretary lifted her eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"I did not book an appointment because the CEO told me to directly come here." Yang Zi said. Seems like she needs to tell her brother to clean up this kind of people.

"HAHA! Are you kidding me? Who are you fooling? Let me tell you before I will call the security to drag you out of here. I have seen lots of women who attempted to climb to our CEO's bed, no one ever succeeded, including you." The secretary said without any manners at all. She's even envious of Yang Zi because she looks so beautiful without applying heavy makeup.

"I agree," Yang said shortly.

The secretary smiled smugly, "So what are you waiting for? Leave before embarrassing yourself."

The other secretaries on the floor overheard their colleague's voice and immediately looked at what was happening. When they noticed that it was Guan Mei, they just shook their heads and wished Yang Zi good luck.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. What I mean that I agree is that you said no one ever succeeds in climbing to the CEO's bed, including you." Yang Zi said as she looked sternly at the secretary.

Guan Mei's eyes flew wide open. "You! Stop slandering me. I can sue you. Leave now or I will call the security."

"Then you should call the security because I am not leaving." Yang Zi said.

The other employees that were looking at them silently were shocked. No one ever challenged Guan Mei ever since. Every person who comes across her will be leaving the building crying or will be dragged out by the security.

Guan Mei fumed in great anger, "Fine. Don't blame me! Anyway, you are just one of those thick face women." She smiled smugly and called security.

A few moments later, two security officers arrived. Yang Zi saw them, but she just ignored them and did not even show any discomfort or nervousness.

"Miss, please come with us." The security said politely to Yang Zi.

Yang Zi was satisfied with the security's attitude. At least, he has great respect for a stranger. However, this is not the right time to reward this kind of person. She needs to teach someone a lesson.

"I am not leaving." Yang Zi said sternly.

"Miss, please don't make it difficult for us. We are just doing our job." The security officer added.

"Then just drag her out!" Guan Mei exclaimed in great annoyance.

"The person that needs to be dragged out is you, not me." Yang Zi crossed her arms.

"I will break every arm whoever dares to lay a finger on her!"