High Mountain And Stars

Now that the charms were ready, Ye Qian had other things to worry about.

Where would he sell these charms?

Even though he knew that selling the charms was thought to be a metaphysical advertisement on Earth now, the government didn't have any specific laws which prohibited their use and selling.

The Star City also had a huge market related to such things as "The Ancient Relic Market" some people called it "Ancient Relic Fair".

Here there were all kinds of old and interesting items which were sold, but there used to be also some people who used to sell charms to make a simple living.


Soon it was around 1:30 and Ye Qian had just come out of the Bathroom.

He had to bathe as the smell on him was too gross as the blood was exposed to air.

Ye Qian went to the wardrobe and picked up his old clothes.

Soon he was dressed in plain jeans and a T-shirt on which he wore a jacket.

Though the clothes were a bit small considering they fitted him well before. The difference was not too much.

The jeans were of 115 cm while his legs were of 123 cm the pant was slightly small, as well as his T-shirt but it was well hidden as he wore a jacket on.

Soon he got ready and took a bag containing the charms and a black garment.

He carried the bag and went out of the house after locking it.


About 15 minutes later he was in front of Little Qiqi's Kindergarten.

He was not in haste as Little Qiqi would only be released after 2, so Ye Qian walked at a normal pace.

As he went in front of the gate many parents were standing nearby.

Most of the parents were women who were having a talk among themselves about their lives and some TV shows.

There were many men too who seemed to have been left soon, as it was Friday today so it was most likely a half-day for some people.

As Ye Qian walked toward the Kindergarten the women looked at him and started to talk about him.

"Hey who is that young man?"

A woman asked the one in front of her while placing a hand on her mouth.


The woman turned to Ye Qian to look at him, she looked at him from head to toe and then nodded.

"I don't know but he is looking handsome and did you see his body." The woman smiled after turning to the others.

"Yeah, is he here for some kind of advertisement, there were a lot of people who came for an advertisement for the gym."

The woman said as she gave a thought.

"If he really is then I would really like to join his gym and have some training from him as well."

A woman who looked proud and wore expensive clothes said.

"Ah Miss Ji you are so proactive I really admire you."

Another woman said as she praised her.


Meanwhile, Ye Qian didn't know that he was a topic of interest among the women.

He would occasionally look at his watch and around.

Though he could hear the ladies talking about him, he couldn't care any less about them, since he was worried as it was his first time picking Little Qiqi.

It was time for the Blossoming Kindergarten to release.

After some time, the bell of the Kindergarten rang.

Many cute little heads mingled.

There were a total of 20 classes so the class teachers were only allowed to take their class after the class before them was free.

Soon the people came around as the teacher called for the name of their children.

The parents quickly crowded at the entrance to pick their kids up.

Ye Qian stood there as he saw the children carefully.

He was anxious that he would miss Little Qiqi who would be in the crowd.

He was distressed as he had never picked a kid before. Never did Ye Qian think that the feeling was so sweet as well as so worrisome.

After waiting for a few minutes, Ye Qian's eyes lit up as he saw a lady in a light blue cotton dress arrive while holding a little girl with her.

The lady was in her mid 20's and looked pretty and as attractive as she attracted many eyes from the men who came to take their kids.

Meanwhile, the little girl had an orange t-shirt and a yellow skirt and had two ponytails tied on her head.

Who would she be other than our Little Qiqi?


Little Qiqi called out excitedly and waved her tiny hand as soon as she saw Ye Qian looking at her.

Ye Qian walked as his heart started to palpitate.

Soon he arrived in front of Little Qiqi and smiled at her.

Little Qiqi let go of the lady's hand and hugged Ye Qian as she ran to him.

Ye Qian patted her head and leaned toward her.

"Hi, are you Ye Qi's father?"

The lady smiled at him and asked in a polite tone after she took a good look at him.

"Hmm. Yes."

Ye Qian smiled and nodded as he answered.

"Hello, I am Qiqi's teacher Wu Ying."

The lady said as she brought her hand forward.

There was rarely anyone who would come to receive Little Qiqi after school and once in a while her mother, Yuan Meng used to come when she was released early.

Mostly she would have to leave Little Qiqi at the Old Age Home after she was also released from Kindergarten.

But today Little Qiqi had told her that her father would come to pick her up after school.

So Wu Ying recognized him upon seeing Ye Qian as Little Qiqi had some features like him.

"Hello, Miss Wu"

Ye Qian smiled and extended his hand.

When he heard Little Qiqi saying.

"Papa, Hugg"

Ye Qian quickly squatted down and hugged her while picking her up while giving her a peck on her cheeks.

"Hehe Papa"

Little Qiqi giggled as he pecked her and held his cheeks by extending her hands.

She then started to fondle Ye Qian's cheeks.

Seeing the father and daughter duo playing and smiling together Wu Ying felt happy and smiled at them.

"Qiqi, I want to talk something to your father can you please stay with Guard Uncle for a while."

Wu Ying said as she looked at the father-daughter duo after a few seconds.

"Yes, Teacher."

Little Qiqi smiled and nodded adorably as she went down from Ye Qian's hands.

"Papa, Qiqi will be waiting for you, come soon."

Little Qiqi turned to Ye Qian.

"Hmm." Ye Qian nodded with a smile.

Wu Ying turned to Ye Qian after giving Little Qiqi to the guard in the guardhouse.

"Mr Ye, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Ye Qian glanced at Little Qiqi who was playing with the guards and nodded.

The duo walked to the garden which was behind the school.

As Ye Qian looked at the nature that Little Qiqi was in daily, Ye Qian felt happy.

He turned to Wu Ying and said from the bottom of his heart.

"Miss Wu, thank you so much for taking care of Qiqi all this while."

He had seen while the other children walked out on their own, while Qiqi was brought by Wu Ying.

From that, he knew how Wu Ying treated Little Qiqi.

"You are too modest Mr Ye. I also like Qiqi very much."

Wu Ying said as she smiled, but then her expression turned a little sad.

"But Little Qiqi is quite pitiful. I heard that you disappeared right before she was born."

"But her mother still taught her well, even after staying alone all the while. She is also a good kid and is very kind and doesn't do any kind of mischief."

"As her mother works till late, I usually drop her at the Old Age Home, she mostly likes to play a little but she hides a lot of her feelings, I can see them. She knows that her mother is worried and so she doesn't show it to her."

"She is more mature than compared children of her age, maybe because of the situation she lives in or something else."

Wu Ying paused as a pleased smile appeared on her face.

"But today I saw a child in her who wants to be loved when I saw how she behaved with you."

"She really wants you to be with her and nothing else."

"Miss Wu."

Ye Qian's heart felt guilty as he listened to her.

"Mr Ye, the reason you were not here is not something that I should know or ask. But Little Qiqi is really alone."

Wu Ying sighed as she looked pained.

"There are many children who try to make fun of her saying that you abandoned her and her mother, she cries a lot whenever she hears that you abandoned her. But she never scolds them or complains about them. But there are many good to her, who are friends with her so she has some confidence in herself even after so many things have happened."

She sighed and then smiled at Ye Qian.

"Little Qiqi loves drawing whenever she is alone, mostly mountains and stars."

Ye Qian looked at the Guardhouse where Little Qiqi was playing with the guards.

"When I asked her, she said the mountains are very close to the stars."

"Which means that those who disappear from the world would also turn into stars."

"So her dream is to visit a high mountain and see the stars so that she will get closer to her Papa, you."

Ye Qian started trembling all over as he listened to Wu Ying.

He felt like he was not able to breathe as a lump was forming in his throat.


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