Someone Is Saying Bad Things!

In the KFC food court of the IMAP Mall.

The tables were filled with many people, while Yuan Meng and Ning Wei arrived where Ye Qian was standing for them.

It took a little while for them to come in as the entrance was a lot crowded.

When they arrived at the table, Ning Wei and Yuan Meng saw that the situation didn't look good, seeing that a burly man was standing in front of Ye Qian as if he was sneering at him.

Though they could only see the man's back they were sure of it, as it was very less likely for Ye Qian to poke his nose in something that didn't matter to him.

That was when they heard Little Qiqi calling for Yuan Meng.

"Mumma, see this Bad Uncle is sitting on our table and not leaving after Qiqi asked him to?"

Yuan Meng knew things were wrong and there was a chance that things might go bad.