How Dare You?

While Ye Qian, the ladies, the girls were having a hearty lunch at Grandma's Kitchen.

On the first floor of the mall, someone was searching for them.

A young lady in her mid-twenties wearing grey jeans and a red floral dress and a jacket.

The woman was of course the one who was with Ye Qian and others as they went to watch the movie.

After Ye Qian erased everyone's memories, she also didn't remember anything that occurred after she came out of the mall.

When she saw that Ye Qian and others were not there with her, she felt something was off, when they came out Ye Qian said he would get some ice cream for all of them and now all of them seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden.

It was like just a moment ago she was with them and the next moment everyone was gone.

And that jump made her feel something was odd.

She quickly went to the guards and asked about Ye Qian and others.