Everywhere It's The Same

The sudden whistling sound attracted everyone's attention, including the manager of the shop.

Everyone looked around to see who was the one whistled.

It was to be known that this was a hoodlum-like behaviour in a place that was most likely filled with women so it might ignite the anger of many.

The men were slightly displeased while the woman was frowning.

"Wow these two miss here are really beautiful like some goddesses, are you from Hua University, I would like to know you two."

A loud voice was heard after which Le Yun walked in followed by Jun, Wang Feng and the other guy.

Noticing the whistling was intended for them, both Yuan Meng and Ning Wei's faces darkened.

Le Yun walked while studying the shop and continued.

"Seems like you two have been here to do some shopping, this Le will feel honoured if I were to help you two in any way."

Though he sounded polite, his eyes were checking Yuan Meng and Ning Wei up and down.