He Sleeps Like Qiqi!

With that, the two ladies continued to do their shopping.

In about thirty minutes, according to them.

The ladies turned around and saw Ye Qian sleeping with his head resting on his hand on the chair back.

Yuan Meng saw the watch on her wrist and gasped.

"Ahh, it's been two hours now."

"What, it's been two hours since we were here?" 

Ning Wei was also dumbfounded, never would she believe she would be able to shop for so long, although the last time the two went to a wholesale market, it barely took them thirty minutes till they had bought the clothes for themselves and the little girls and that was also not too long just about a few weeks ago.

Yuan Meng and Ning Wei turned to Ye Qian and smiled affectionately while feeling warm in their heart.

Even though they knew that he was powerful and strong that didn't mean he might not get tired or exhausted.