Xiao Ya Is Out of Danger

With the sun trying to go down the horizon taking its leave, the orange light passed through the windows and tried to enter the room through the small gaps in the curtain to cascade the four people within the room.

Among these, Xiao Ya had a delicate smile on her lips while Yuan Meng was smiling at Ye Qian but Ning Wei's cheeks were red.

Why would she not blush, Ye Qian had asked them to sit while he gave them a message.

With that, Ye Qian waved his hand to his left and the curtains were opened with a single clinking sound.


The light shone brightly blinding the two ladies for a moment as they were forced to shut their eyes to adapt to the bright orange rays of light that came from the sunset.

After fluttering their eyelashes, Yuan Meng and Ning Wei opened their eyes to see a wonderful view in front of them.

Many colours like Blue, White, Yellow, Red Orange were covering the sky.