Can't Let You Die!

The Greater Heaven consists of an enormous number of galaxies having many large planets.

On a planet that looked similar to Earth but a few 100 times larger.

A lady caressed the face of her son while handing him some copper coins.

"Fei'er, take this money and try to join the Star Void Sect, mother will stay here till you return and do some chores, when you get strong and have power in the Sect, come back to get mother by then."

"Mother only wants to see her Fei'er grow."

She said while her lips trembled, she had known for a long time that she would not be able to live for a few more days much less a few years, she just wanted to let her son leave while she dies without any worry for him after he enters the Sect.

She knew that once her son enters the Sect it would be much hard for him to come out anytime soon.

She was just a mortal and couldn't live for not more than 100 years.