Do You Think He Would?

The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned tense when Ye Qian wanted to talk to his father.

Seeing that things between the father and son didn't look good due to her husband's behaviour, Grandma Yan frowned.

"Hey Old Ye are you going to be still angry with him now that he has returned back, there must be some reason for his disappearance, he would never leave us, knowing that the girl Meng was about to give birth to Qiqi in a few weeks."

Grandma Yan said in a soft voice even though she didn't like Grandpa Xiao's behaviour.

Ye Qian looked dejected hearing his mother trying to defend him, but that was true, if it was not for the accident he had met with that day, he might never even thought of leaving Yuan Meng and his parents.

It was not a choice for him to decide if he could stay or not as he was never given a chance to.