Do You Want To See Magic?

In the room behind the meat shop.

The only person alive of the black-masked men was holding the little girl, Xiao Ya in his hand with great force enough that the little girl's eyes welled up with tears.

The man had just switched the lights on for now and closed his eyes due to the sudden exposure to bright] light but he didn't let his grip on Xiao Ya lessen but in fact pointed his pointed knife at right on her cheek.

"If you dare to do anything then this girl's death is on you."

The man yelled with his eye closed and snickered.

He didn't know how this man in front of them was able to kill all his colleagues but he felt some sharp object pierce his ear after that, the pain was not intolerable, but as he flinched. he heard a few thuds and next he saw that all his mates fell like clay figures without any support.

Seeing the bloody dot on each of their foreheads, he knew that all of them were dear by now and their bodies completely turned cold.