I Am Luo Ya!

In the old man's shop, Ye Qian told the number of people who will be eating dinner.

This caused the old man to have his eyes wide open.

"Young man, these many people? Are you sure this is not a feast, which you will be making by yourself?"

Ye Qian's answer made him worry about him since the number of people Ye Qian had said was likely to be the same if there was some kind of a feast.

"Hmm yes, while the number of people is a bit less, but still they will eat more than their normal, so it's fine to get things like for 20 people."

Ye Qian obviously understood why the old man was worried but he waved his hand and replied.


He nodded and continued to cut the meat into bite-size pieces since it would take long for Ye Qian to do it when he went back home.

"Hey, then why don't you add one more dish, it will be quick and you would be able to eat with rice as well."

After placing the packed meat and bones the old man said.