This Old Lady Got So Much Work To Do?

In the kitchen, Ye Qian gently blew cool air on Ning Wei's eyes as she felt the itchiness going away.

"Are you fine now?"

He asked as he carefully took her hairs sticking to her cheek and moved them behind.


Ning Wei nodded with a contented smile.

After that Ye Qian wiped the sweat off her head and turned to Yuan Meng.

"How are you guys working with so much sweat? Cant, you just switch the fan on for a while?"

He said as he tucked her hairs which were sticking to her lips and eyes behind her ears.

"Hehe, Mom, said that she will be making your favourite dish with these vegetables so we wanted everything to be perfect."

Yuan Meng giggled and pecked him on the cheek.

"Are you acting spoiled again, Mom is right in front of us."

Ye Qian whispered as he turned around and saw that Grandma Yan was having her back at them, but he knew that this didn't go unnoticed from her.