Are You Hiding Something?

Ye Qian sat on the chair while pondering what to do since he had to use the Spirit Stove technique but since Grandma Yan would not go out and it would also not look good to make her sit out.

Ye Qian pondered for a while before thinking of making the Beef Stir Fry and Pepper Chicken Fry first and then prepare the Fried Rice and Sichuan Noodles with the Spirit Stove Technique.

Meanwhile, the ladies were also finished with cutting and dicing all the needed vegetables since the Beef Stir Fry would also need them.

Ye Qian put some of the Cornflour in the marinated Beef and mixed it while he put his hand around the bowl in which it was placed to marinate.

Ye Qian closed his eyes and mumbled something and soon the bowl buzzed and the meat in it started to vibrate as well.

And in just a few seconds there was another shine on the meat pieces now.