Magic Or Science?

In Ye Qian and Yuan Meng's room, things were placed in a really weird manner which no one could understand why?

Since it looked like someone didn't have much time to place the things properly and placed them in many places in a rush.

But when one looked at all of them then one would notice that there was something in the room which gave off a calm and soothing feel to the one who comes in the room.

Like the small saplings on the table were placed on a specific spot which was on the table but it was placed not near the wall but away from it and at the near corner.

One would think that the way the small pot was placed would definitely make it fall.

But that was not true, while in the morning after the Sun rose while its first rays come from the window it would first hit the small sapling which would then emit off a calming green glow in the room as the light would get refracted after falling on the leaves.