Advanced Science In Ancient Times!

In the guest room, the three women sat with a serious face as Ye Qian continued to talk about the egg.

Ye Qian then pointed at the Serpent Egg in Xiao Ya's hand and continued.

"With time you would get used to it, but you need to know that you must not show the egg or the hatchling to anyone, I don't know but this one in the egg only knows you and would harm someone if they were to come near him or you with some ill thoughts."

"I will help you in trying to teach it after it is hatched out but before that, you must keep it close to you or it will get afraid just like a baby."

Xiao Ya glanced at the Egg in her hands and nodded.

Her mother had told her that once she was small she had eaten something by mistake and her stomach was hurting at that time a lot but after going to various doctors they were not able to find anything odd in her stomach and thus said that it was most likely a stomach ulcer which was most common in small children.