Heartless But Big Brains?

A few minutes ago.


An ear-piercing sound was heard; it was like the air itself was not able to adapt to the speed of something which was moving so fast that there was the same phenomenon that can be seen in a fighter plane.

In the dark night after the full moon, the road was mostly empty since it was too cold without the exception of a few cars passing by the road.

It was already near 12 so there was likely to be no one present in this place, but if it was day then it would have been crowded for sure.

It was one of the biggest malls in Star City, IMAP Mall.

Right now without the exception of a few Guards dozing off on the chair and sometimes looking around as their head nearly fell.

With a loud whooshing sound, the dust and a few other particles were sent flying as a figure suddenly appeared in front of the mall.

If one were to see closely they would definitely recognize that it was a man.