How It Feels To Lose Hope?

Ye Qian stared at the doctor who was clearly dreaming in daylight.

Ohh sorry, it's actually night so.

The doctor was dreaming in the moonlight while hoping for the men at the door to come to help him.

According to him, the man behind him was most likely moving with subconscious movements and this must have been happening due to an overdose of the anaesthetics, so he was also not much worried about Ye Qian being able to notice his slow movements, but so as to not take any risk he still didn't believe on his theory completely.

To him Ye Qian was like a wild beast who was kept in a cage while he was also locked right into the cage with him, so he didn't want to take any chances against his life after feeling the obnoxious feeling Ye Qian gave him.

Ye Qian stared at him while letting him go near the switch.

The doctor's finger was just a few centimetres away when he felt as if he had been thrown in an ice cave.