It's Him!

While the perpetrator of the explosions was running away, at the now ruins of the factory.

Han Xiaowen had searched all the places she could search for by now, but till then she had not even found even a sign of any one of the people she had seen after they were blasted.

She took a few deep breaths and walked to the car as she wanted to get her phone and continue to search.

She didn't want anyone to die here, since she had seen them and would even try to help them if they were injured by taking them to the hospital.

While she went to the car she face palmed herself.

"How can I be such an idiot, I better call the ambulance and firefighters maybe they will help to search the people." 

She sighed while looking around and quickly took the phone and tried to call the fire brigade.


She had just dialled the number and it had also ringed once when she heard something move a few meters away from where she stood as of now.