Yearning Of A Father

While thinking of this the accumulated Poisonous Spiritual Energy continued to rampage within his body, causing his skin to turn even more pale with each passing moment.

Finally, he turned in a specific direction.

If one were to see from the sky the direction at which Ye Qian was glaring was none other than the Shenzhen Bay.


With a loud roar coming out of his mouth, Ye Qian directed all the Spiritual Poison in that direction.

Though he would have to use some of his Spiritual Energy to do so, he didn't faze even in the slightest.

He had already marked the person with his spiritual mark so it was only a matter of time until he could sense him.

He was about to release the poison when his eyes flashed with an evil glint.

How could he allow this man to die so easily?

He attached a small strand of Pridid Flame to it and let go of it in the direction of the man.