Bidding Farewell

In the burning ruins of the factory.

Ye Qian was still as he studied a root-like thing which was as thin as a hair.

Right in front of him, the man from whom he had removed the Root structure twitched uncontrollably.

Ye Qian waved his hand and a small flame appeared on his index finger.

He just flicked it on the man, and in no time the man's whole body was covered in flame.

For a second a wail was heard then with the opening of his mouth the fire entered the man's mouth thus burning his vocal cord and even making him not shout in agony as he suffered a fate far worse than hell.

Ye Qian glanced at the burning body of the man which continued to twitch and snuggle on the soil but to no avail.

Ye Qian didn't have the slightest of the mercy of pity in his eyes as he glanced at the man.