Does Mom's Stomach Hurt Because You Ate Too Much?

Ye Qian and Ning Wei were walking into the living room while Ye Qian helped her walk properly since she was having trouble doing so.

But this time he didn't say a worn and only nodded.

He had learned that no matter if you are wrong or not, but better be quiet if the woman is in anger at you.

No matter if you what you say, you would only get some snappy words and might even get some beatings, but though he knew he would not be treated so low as to be beaten, he still didn't want to make Ning Wei angry which would only make her condition worse which was already bad.

Behind the two Yuan Meng and Xiao Ya were the only one left now.


Yuan Meng sighed while shaking her head as Xiao Ya walked to her with confusion.

She was unable to say who was Ye Qian's wife.

They seemed to both love her but Ning Wei looked a bit different and though Ye Qian didn't show much, she could see that he still cared for her.