Yuan Meng Is Hiding Something!

In the living room, everyone sat on the couch while staring at the TV with their complete attention as the news reporter read the folder out which he was just handed.

"The department of security of the city has not found any evidence of the group being seen in the city and no one has reported any suspicious actions either, but still, it is recommended that the citizens should take care of themselves and don't allow any unknown people in their premise and should contact the Police as soon as they see anyone who is suspicious enough."

"And to talk about this group of men, they might be in a number of 10 or less, but you have to be aware that they might be carrying weapons, this infamous band of men have killed numerous people in various cities and are considered as Rank 1 Criminals, which might not faze out if they want to kill anyone even if it's a small child, so it is requested that everyone in the City is to remain alert and be careful of the people around you."