Serves Him Right!

By the Main Road right next to Ye Qian's house.

A car was rushing towards, him and Yuan Meng at a high speed.

And the driver seemed to be a bit drunk his eyes were completely fixed on something.

Ye Qian's frowned as he noticed that the driver seemed to be peering at Yuan Meng in a gazing look.

He turned to Yuan Meng who was also growing with a wave of anger on her face.

She even seemed to be cursing her won faith as she started at the car and the man within.

There was no problem in her being able to see the driver from a long ago and that was why she frowned when Ye Qian called the care as beautiful because she knew that this was a black cat for them.

She said in a displeased tone.

"Qian'er, let's go."

Saying that she got hold of Ye Qian's hand and was about to walk a step when Ye Qian stopped her.

"What happened Mengmeng, does that man trouble you?"