Unstable Killing Intent

At the roundabout leading to the Muqin park.

An accident had taken place just about 20 minutes ago and there were many police making the people stable as to not hinder their investigation.

In front of the Deputy Chief, Ye Qian and Yuan Meng stood while saying the situation when the car had crashed the pole and the accident had occurred.

"So you were almost hit by the car?"

The Deputy Chief asked with his mouth wide open.

He had also seen the condition the car was in after the accident and through his experience of so many years, he understood that the car was for sure at a high speed or the car would not have been trashed to such an extent.

And after hearing it from the beautiful woman in front of him, he was astonished that the two were about to hit them but their luck was good enough that the man quickly dodged to the side while the woman only fell unconscious from the shock of being about to be hit by the car.