This Dumb Door Won't Open!

At the Metro District.

Ye Qian entered an alley behind a bustling food court while following Yuan Meng, she had still not said anything until now but she had an enthusiastic smile on her lisp while she waited for someone to open the backdoor of the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Ye Qian continued to look at the surroundings.

Though the place was an alley it was kept clean and there was no odour which one would usually smell when they walked behind a restaurant where they would throw their trash and waste out.

Ye Qian knew that many were waiting in a queue and the queue was no joke there were about 20 or so groups who stood out of the food court and with Ye Qian's Divine Perception, he was able to see that not only the restaurant had a crowd on the outside, there were many who were waiting in the inside.

And the ones who were outside would only be considered for about 30% of the number of people who were waiting in the food court with an eager look.