They Would Do That After Marriage!

Ji felt that others were just jealous of her because her grandpa would never give much attention to her other cousins.

But, she never understood why would her cousin's father also treat her like others and don't love her like a father.

But her mother always used to say that she must treat her cousin as her sister and love her just like how her cousin used to love and take care of her.

Her mother's words still ring in her ears that day.

"Jiji, in the whole family it is only you whom your big sister can love and others will always try to harm her so you have to be always with her, no matter what."

She was about 10 years old back then and now she was about to celebrate her 22nd birthday.

The venue was a luxurious restaurant which was booked by her family and though she felt that everything seemed a bit too extravagant she also knew that since she came from one of the biggest families in the capital city it was bound to be like this.