No Gift For Me?


"What happened?"

Ye Qian asked before Yuan Meng could ask her.

Ji felt warm in her heart knowing that Ye Qian was worried for her and smiled.

"Those donkeys went on coming and I had to talk to each one of them and stand all the time."

She said with a saddened face and clutched her calves which were still aching.


Ye Qian sighed and didn't say anything further, he would help her in a way, but not he felt that this would be too embarrassing for her since she was from such a big family and being touched by him would definitely seem weird.

And that was without the fact that there was Yuan Meng, he didn't want to make her feel sad that he was worried for Ji when he was in a relationship with her, but he didn't think of Ji in that way, but he could say it as well.

Ren and Rong had told him that he must under no circumstances get close to any other girl if Ye Qian didn't want to lose Yuan Meng.