Playing Tricks

All the young masters would almost have fallen on their chins if there was no one beside them.

Not only they didn't want to believe their eyes, they even felt that they were having dreams or that the wine was too strong since they were seeing something none of them would ever believe if they were to be told or slapped on their faces.

Many even started to rub their eyes till they were started to turn red.

Because the thing that was happening right in front of them was completely out of their belief.

They had thought that Ji would want to slap Yuan Meng for disgracing her by giving her such a lowly gift in front of so many wealthy people.

But to their dismay, Ji didn't do what they had thought and in fact, with her trembling hands, she took the Brooch off Yuan Meng's palm carefully as if it was a treasure which she didn't want to have even a slight mark on.