A Gift No Matter How Small Is A Gift!

Seeing Ye Qian waving at her, Ji also waved while still in a daze.

She didn't know if she should be happy that he had gifted her something or be sad with the fact that she felt that she was losing him even more now.

'Why... why can't you care for me just like you care for her?'

A question rang in her mind like a buzz as she saw Ye Qian walking out and vanishing from her sight.


She sighed and then stumbled on the chair but quickly got herself back so as to not let others know of something.

As she sighed and sat, her eyes went on the small box in her hand.

"Cousin, what is the use of that scrap, just thrown it away, it can't be that this guy gave something that was worth more than any of the gifts that any boss of the Shenzhen gave you."

As she was staring at the small box in her hand she heard someone saying with a voice will with disdain.