So This Is You Trouble?

In the private room of the Food Court.

Aunt Qin and Uncle Fu were staring at Ye Qian and Yuan Meng who were holding each other's hands tightly while staring into each other's eyes.

It felt as if they couldn't see Aunt Qin and Uncle Fu.

"Haha. they sure are a lovely couple."

Uncle Fu chuckled lightly and turned to Aunt Qin who had a smile that was wide enough that it was spreading from one side of her face to the other.


She nodded and then coughed lightly.


"So you two are here just to meet us?"

Aunt Qin's question brought the two of them back to the world while Yuan Meng's cheeks were burning red.

"Hehe, no need to be ashamed of, I and your uncle here had also been just like you back then."

"It's your time to love, so don't waste your time in thinking what others will think."

Aunt Qin grinned while she started to gather the plates and was about to place them to the corner of the table.