Just A Matter Of Time

At first Yuan Meng was a bit worried after hearing Ye Qian gasp.

She felt that she had done something wrong and this would make Ye Qian more worried about her.

But hearing his following words, Yuan Meng heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.

'This dummy, he almost made he worried to death.'

Yuan Meng shook her head with a smile and asked.

"Do I open my eyes now, Qian'er?"

Yuan Meng was already getting impatient to go back home, but she heard Ye Qian again.

"Umm, look at yourself and tell me what you can see around."


She obliged and with her still closed eyes she looked at herself.

She was astonished to see that although unlike that of Ye Qian who had the threads completely surrounding his and making a cast for him.

Her body was also surrounded by a number of such wisps, but compared to Ye Qian it was not even 1 percent of the total.

But that was not what made her shocked.