Who Is That Little Girl?

'I can tell that they want to protect us, but why?'

Ye Qian thought as he looked around at the small shop that was present on another side of the street.

There was a small noodle cart on the other side of their house with a few men who seemed to be working at the construction site.

But Ye Qian had not seen anyone at the site since the day he came home, and the construction also seemed to have been stopped.

Ever since he came back home, Ye Qian had never heard any sound of any machines or vehicles at the construction site.

It appeared as if it was abandoned and there was some really major reason for that.

Though that Mr Su from the Long Group appeared that day for forcing Yuan Meng to sell the house to them, there was nothing after that.

'Strange, why the construction also seems to have halted.'

Ye Qian shrugged his shoulder which looking at the giant building frames that were propped from eh ground but it looked completely silent.