Little Girls Are Smart

In the bedroom of the Ye's house.

The three little girls were sitting with a worried and confused look on their faces as they pursed their lips while biting on the pencil while thinking.

It appeared like they were finding some cure for a rare disease.

But in fact, they were doing their homework.

"Mom, how do I do this problem?"

Xiao Ya asked while looking at Yuan Meng and crawled to her.

"Here, count the number of fingers for me first."

Yuan Meng nodded and then extended her palm to Xiao Ya.


"One, two, three, ...ten."

The little girls counted all the fingers.

"Now tell me what is the first number you have been given?"

Yuan Meng nodded and then glanced at the book in Xiao Ya's hand.

"Mom, it's 9!"

The little girl exclaimed.


Yuan Meng nodded and then closed her pinkie.

"Now, how many do I have?"

"It's nine."

The little girl quickly replied.