Is This How It End's!

'He is not Qian'er.'

In the bedroom, Yuan Meng was a foot away from Ye Qian as his blood stopped pouring from his orifices like before.

This was so sudden that Yuan Meng didn't even have the chance to see what was really happening to Ye Qian.

And the moment she looked at Ye Qian worse eyes seemed to have opened now.

Only one thought rang in her mind like an alarm.

'He is not Qian'er!'

Even though the face and body appeared to be that of Ye Qian's, his eyes seemed completely void of the light that Ye Qian would usually have.

And who would know this clearly than Yuan Meng who knew Ye Qian closely enough?

Ye Qian's eyes were also the same shade of red but they didn't seem to have any kind of emotion.

Though one would think that he was angry Yuan Meng felt none like that at all.

'Qian'er has the same eyes when he lost control, but I can't sense him at all, much less sense him there is no emotion in his eyes.'