Even If I Don't Deserve Her, She Must Live!

As soon as the word appeared on the scroll, the chains started to lose their dark colour and the grip they had on Ye Qian's consciousness also had started to loosen up.

But Ye Qian was completely unaware of all this as he felt the pain in his heart for losing Yuan Meng.

The light rays started to converge and formed into a string that revolved around Ye Qian's consciousness a couple of times making some vibrations.


Ye Qian was still in his trance of losing Yuan Meng when he heard a whisper on his real years.

Ye Qian didn't know how he was bael to hear a whisper from his physical body, but the moment he heard the whisper, his pupils dilated to the point of a needle's tip.

The anguish and despair that he was feeling just now were thrown away as his eyes narrowed and he looked around.

"If Mengmeng is not dead yet that still means that she is still in danger."

"I should save her before anything happens to her."