[Bonus chapter]How Does She Know?

In the living room.

Grandma Yan, Ning Wei, Yu Lan and her friends started at Ye Qian thinking only one thing.

'What did he do this time to annoy her?'

Grandma Yan shook her head and smiled.

'This is what it feels to have him back, at least she is happy thought this cat and mouse show is also pretty entertaining.'

Ning Wei also followed behind Yuan Meng and the girls after giving it a thought.

She was also drenched in sweat due to feeling hot all over her body and it was necessary for her to shower or she might feel awkward with that musky scent lingering around her.


As soon as Little Qiqi and all entered the room the girl brought her hand up and sniffed for a couple of times.

"Mumma, Qiqi and Big Sister look good, but Qiqi still needs to bathe, Qiqi feels smelly all over my body."

She said while making a face.