Gold Lotus Root

'How long I have been missing my little baby, now I have finally met you, I won't let you away from my sight.'

Aunt Qin determined in her heart with a tender smile.

All she could dream of was with her right now.

"Aunt Qin, you must have worked a lot, let's eat something first."

Yuan Meng stood up and placed her hand on Aunt Qin's shoulder.

She knew that all the food which Aunt Qin and Uncle Fu would have sent here would have been carefully made under her watch since it was Yuan Meng who asked them to.

But no matter how much she would beg for Aunt Qin to not worry about it, Yuan Meng knew that she won't be able to stop herself from supervising everything under her eyes.


Aunt Qin nodded and then glanced at Qiqi while mumbling.

"I made a few things for you myself."

Saying that she removed a small tiffin from her bag.