You Will Cry Under Me

In the City Hospital.

Yang Kun's body suddenly started trembling.

His father was shocked and was unable to say anything seeing his son's body had suddenly started trembling.

"What... what is happening to my son?"

He choked on his voice before saying while looking at the troubled look on the nurse's face.

"This must be because of the alcohol in his body."

The nurse said while looking at the rack of various kinds of medications kept in the small tray.

She fished out a syringe and a small bottle of medicine before injecting it quickly into the saline.

Within a few moments, Yang Kun's body stopped trembling and with a fearful look, he shouted.

"Help me."

Hearing the voice that was coarse, the middle-aged man quickly got close to Yang Kun and took his hand in his palm.

"You don't have to worry; this shows that he might wake up from his unconsciousness soon."