Mengmeng Will Kill Me If She Knows!

Meanwhile, Ye Qian and the woman were engulfed in the red fog.

In the room.

Potian stared at the fog which appeared like a long cylinder and started to rush to the door of the room.

But the next moment, he was stopped as the fog which was surrounding the two started to divide and a part of it appeared in front of him while looking like two fiery eyes that were glaring at him.

Those eyes appeared so real and it made Potian afraid of them while stepping back.

"What kind of thing is this?"

He wanted to shoot the fog in fear but then knowing that it would be of no use he didn't.

As of now, all he could do was wait for his death.

"What did I do to suffer all this?"

He cried out while glaring at Monkey who was also staring at the cylinder of red fog.

He had seen this fog when he was in Ye Qian's yard and at that time, Ye Qian appeared out of this fog out of nowhere.