Can You Don't Do This!

In Ye Qian's dantian.

The two words HUMANITY and WRATH appeared to be in a fight as there were numerous clashes in between them, causing a massive release of energy which was enough to annihilate large cities in a matter of moments.

But all of this entry was being contained by another energy which formed an invisible sphere which even Ye Qian was not able to notice.

By the time he deciphered all this, the fight in between the two words had also stopped and they seemed to have no proper winner among them.

As of now, they seemed to be cooperating and the clash had stopped permanently.

There was a glow around the scripture as the two words stopped clashing and there was a humming sound that echoed throughout Ye Qian's dantian.

The large cracks which seemed to have been caused due to the injures started to heal and Ye Qian was astonished to find that the glow from the scripture had started to heal the injures in his dantian.