We Will Start A New Life


"It's 12 already."

Ye Qian sighed as he glanced at the clock after entering the house.

Unbeknownst to him, Ye Qian had been out for nearly more than 2 hours.

Though most time was only used for him to get back Mu Xueyin back to her house, Ye Qian still didn't think that he would be so late.

He was now worried that if Yuan Meng or Ning Wei were still awake while waiting for him to return then it was really bad.

Ye Qian silently walked to his room and carefully opened the door, he didn't want them to be disturbed by the creaking of the door just in case they had just started to doze after waiting for him for so long.

But it would be better if they were sleeping.

Ye Qian silently pushed the door open only to feel a bit of pain in his heart.

Yuan Meng was smiling at him with a gentle look on her face as she kept the book in her hand on the table and walked closer to him.

"It took you a bit longer."
