Little Qi Made Breakfast Again!

Meanwhile, in the room on the first floor of the house.

"Gramma, Qiqi is very happy to meet you."

Saying that the little girl kissed Aunt Qin on her cheeks.

"Hey hey, just stand for a moment."

Aunt Qin sighed in defeat as she held the little girl's face and stopped her from moving.

"Baby, you have been moving for so long, see I am making your hair for the third time now."

"Hehe, sorry, Gramma."

The little girl grinned while poking the tip of her tongue.


"Why is your hair so short, I can't think of a beautiful hairstyle."

Aunt Qin pursed her lips as she made two small ponytails on the two sides of Little Qiqi's head.

"Hehe, Qiqi also will grow long hair afterwards."

The reason why the little girl had kept her hair short was also worth knowing.

Usually, the barbers of girls would charge a lot for cutting their hair.